

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"

Published February 8th, 2019 by Ccwestside

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”
Psalms 119:105 NLT

This verse has always had a visual picture for me. I wish I was a better artist, because I’ve always wanted to paint it on a canvas.
When I read this verse, I picture pure darkness ahead where you cannot see or even distinguish any outlines or shapes, but where your feet are standing, is a solid, warm glow of light surrounding the area you are. As you walk, that glow of light leads and directs to protect your feet from slipping or missing the path... but that glow doesn’t give you enough light to just take off into the darkness or to look back on past mistakes, it’s simply for the present day. Maybe that’s too artsy or overthinking the scripture for you, but it helps me to realize how much I need His Word to guide me daily. His word is our guide in this uncertain, crazy life. We can seek Him in the littlest of things and be certain He will speak and answer us.
Sometimes our feet may feel stuck, confused or wandering, and in those times, especially, we need to replace those feet with knees and kneel down on that path and pray for guidance. This also helps us rest and stay put because it’s a lot harder to walk ahead on your knees. He is faithful--His Lamp doesn’t run on batteries, it will never fade, it will never change! Recently I felt at a crossroads, and a sudden wave of confusion washed over me. I wasn’t sure if it was my flesh giving me a crazy idea or if God was trying to change something and prompt me to take a step of faith. I got my journal and sought Him early, and every single day that week the Lord lit His Word like I had never seen and spoke clearer than ever. It ministered to my heart that we can take Him at His Word and not be doubtful that when we need wisdom He can’t answer us the moment we need Him to. I’m not saying there are times we are standing still, seeking Him, and feel no answer spoken, because I’ve been in those seasons. Usually when I feel there’s no answer, it’s the Lord telling me to rest and not move before He does... or He is giving an answer, but it’s not the one I wanted. :) Regardless of the answer we want, we know He works all things out for the good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose! So rest in that truth today and give Him your guide lamp; He is a way better navigator than us.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” keep walking that path, it’s the safest, securest path to be on!

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