

The Most Satisfying

Published June 7th, 2019 by Ccwestside

Recently the Lord has been working on me to share Jesus more often. Now this has always been a super hard thing for me to do because I’m the type of person who would rather show them Jesus and who he is with my attitude and actions rather than telling them. Because like Pastor Dave says all the time, “they don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care." I’ve always wanted to develop a relationship with people before I witness to them. I want to show them how I handle my battles when they come. I want to show them who I turn to. And I want them to see how there is something different about me. But then, once I get to know the person really well I find myself not wanting to scare them off and lose the great friendship we have developed. So I never end up sharing Jesus and I just chicken out.

Until now

I’ve been getting convicted on this lately and have realized that all along it was just the enemy in my ear giving me reasons and excuses to not share Jesus. 

Jesus would of been telling me to never fear because he is with me. Not telling me not to because I’ll scare them off. And even if I do so what. I never want to be the Christian who is known to ‘shove the Bible down people’s throats,' because that’s not how Jesus is with us. I want to approach people the way Jesus would.  Gently, kind, lovingly, and most definitely not forceful. I specifically love sharing Jesus with coworkers. The Lord is still working on me to be better with witnessing to complete strangers but he has shown me that taking baby steps is just fine and to remember that he knows our hearts.

Some verses that always encourage me to reach out more are :

Mark 16:15 

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”.

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Galatians 6:9

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Ever since the Lord started to work on me about witnessing more and sharing his word to people, I’ve been hearing more evangelist teachings on the radio and people talking about other people getting saved from their witness to them. It’s been confirming to me that the Lord is so pleased with what I’m doing and how much harder I’m trying than I ever was before. He knows our hearts and sees how we’re pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone for him and he is blessed by it. It’s the most satisfying thing knowing you were the one who planted that seed in someone’s life or that someone got saved by you telling them what Jesus has done for you. But the coolest part about it is it’s not us, it’s Jesus working through us. It’s the best feeling when you know the Lord is using you to help build his kingdom. We are on this earth for one purpose and that’s to live our lives for Jesus and bring others into the kingdom. To share the good news . Like many pastors say all the time, if you had the cure to all the cancers in the world and all the sicknesses in the world wouldn’t you be telling eveyone you know? Why would you ever keep something like that in when you know it’s going to give them life? That’s how Jesus is. Jesus is the good news for people that there is a hope and future for them and there is eternal life for them. That they can die to their old self and have a new life in Jesus. 

So sisters I encourage you to push yourself out of your comfort zone. When that coworker is venting to you about their marriage problems, ask if they want to be prayed for.  When your waitress comes over to your table acting super bubbly like their the happiest person in the world, know that’s probably not what’s going on in the inside and talk to them about Jesus. It’s okay to be scared at first, the more often we do it the more easier it will get each time. So get set, get ready, GO shine for Jesus!

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