

The Wise Woman

Published January 26th, 2018 by Ccwestside

“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands” 

Proverbs 14:1

This verse.  I have it circled, underlined, highlighted in my Bible.  I have it written on a piece of paper in a drawer I open often as a little reminder….  that I am always one harsh response, one eye roll, one sarcastic remark away from tearing down my home.  Does that hit home with anyone else?  

For me, “my house” is mainly my husband and children.  But even if you’re not married this still applies because “your house” is your life, your home, your relationships, who you are in Christ, and who you are to those in your circle of influence.  I think this verse is a good one to make us check our hearts, take a holy pause and think if there are people, relationships, situations that we have been a tearer in and not a builder.  Have you been too snappy with your children instead of giving them the loving attention they deserve?  Ask God to forgive you and give you that patience and grace you need to minister to their little hearts and needs.  Have you let that sin harbor in you heart towards someone a little too long?  Ask God to forgive you and commit to praying for that person and your relationship.  Have you let discontentment make you miserable and unthankful for the very blessings Jesus has blessed you with?  Ask God to forgive you and make a list of all the things He has blessed you with.  He is so faithful!  I don’t think any of us intentionally want to be tearers but I definitely think it’s a choice we need to make daily, for me sometimes evenly hourly!  

Let us purpose in our hearts to be women who build our homes. 

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