

Proverbs 31:24-25

Published October 12th, 2018 by Ccwestside

Proverbs 31:24 " She makes linen garments and sells them and supplies sashes for the merchants. 25 Strength and honor are her clothing ; she shall rejoice in time to come ."

As woman, we all chase and seek perfection. In multiple areas of our lives. Whether it be with raising our children, our marriages, our friendships, our jobs, our appearance and so on.  The virtuous woman is a perfect figure of what every Godly woman strives to be like. But the key word is strives. Knowing that God is the only flawless, stainless, perfection in this life. The virtuous woman always makes sure her kids are fed, bathed, and clothed. Never being failed of taken care and provided for. She puts on strength and honor daily. We have to remember  that we are not to put on perfection every morning but to put on the love of God. Starting our day with the word and letting him fill us so that we can fill others. Allowing the love of God and his image reflect through us throughout the day. It will touch someone much more if they see Jesus and his love shining through us then what seems to appear as perfection. Personally, I have to constantly remind myself on a daily basis that I'm not perfect but I was made by perfect himself. I have to not be so hard on myself when I mess up and be more quicker to forgive myself and have grace. As woman we always search for 2 things , perfection and comparison. As we all know, comparison is not of the Lord. The enemy likes to compare us to woman who seem like they have it all together to make us feel worse about ourselves. He'll even use scripture against us to make us feel like we don't have any of the attributes that's the virtuous woman does. Don't listen to him. He is the father of lies. Jesus tells us that we are all individually and uniquely fearfully and wonderfully made. So if we stop and chew on that verse we should settle it in ourselves that our identity lies in Christ not in ourself and not in the kind of mother we are or the kind or kind of co-worker we are or what our outward appearance looks like. He made us exactly the way we need to be. Our personalities, mannerisms, habits, etc. There is nothing more beautiful in all of the world than a woman who is righteous and loves the Lord. Put on grace and honor every morning. Keeping Jesus in the forefront of our minds instead of striving for perfection throughout the day. Xoxo

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