

Give With No Regret

Published March 9th, 2018 by Ccwestside

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due [its rightful recipients], When it is in your power to do it.”

This verse was written for me today. Yesterday I felt frustrated with a friend. She borrowed something and misused it, I felt taken advantage of. I felt for a moment like I need to stop being so generous and not care so much. People walk all over you when you’re too nice, right? Well, I knew deep down no matter how I tried to spin it, I’m still wrong to think that way. The world tells us not to be a door matt, don’t help out people who don’t appreciate you etc. But I don’t see that in the Bible. Jesus gets misused by us daily, we don’t appreciate his grace sometimes, we forget about Him sometimes, but He never fails us. Now there’s a time and place to say no, we can have voices and we can rebuke or defend ourself when appropriate. What I’m speaking of is withholding kindness and generosity when we shouldn’t, when someone is in need or lacking and we have the means to help. The Lord always blesses our sacrifices, even if we don’t get a thank you ever... it shouldn’t be our reason to not give. Be the example in your daily life of selfless love, it can be contagious to those around you!

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
— Anne Frank

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