New Believer's Class
Our New Believers' Foundation Class is held every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. We go over important Christian fundamentals, beliefs, and how to live a spirit-filled life. If you are newly saved or have recently recommitted your life to Jesus, this class is highly recommended.
Children's Ministry
Our Children's ministry is a main priority here at Calvary Chapel Westside. Our desire is to have classes and childcare with Bible lessons geared for each age level. There is Children's church and Toddler/Nursery care provided at each service. The safety of the children is of great importance.
Youth Group
Our high school fellowship's main desire is for our youth to have their own real walk with Jesus Christ, to love Him, and to serve Him. It is our goal to teach the youth the truths of the Bible and that a relationship with Jesus must be the number one priority in their lives. God has blessed our group tremendously as we have seen boys and girls turn into young men and women of God.
College & Career
The Well Study is held on Friday nights at 8:00pm in the EnGedi Cafe. We fellowship, worship and spend time studying the scriptures. Our age-range for this ministry is anywhere from 18 (or out of high school) to mid 30's.
Married Couples Fellowship
Our Married Couples Fellowship is led by Pastor Larry Wise and his wife MaryKay. This group meets every 3rd Saturday at 6:30pm, right here at church in the EnGedi Cafe! It is open to all married and engaged couples. Our desire is to build up marriages on a strong foundation in Jesus Christ, looking at what the Bible says about marriage, and the way God has intended it to be.