What about Suicide? - First Samuel 31:1-6
1 Samuel 31:1-7 Teaching #SM504
What about Suicide? - First Samuel 31:1-6
Pastor Dave will share a message of hope and speak to those struggling with suicidal thoughts. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please reach out to our church at (585)352-3150 and speak with one of our Pastors. You can also call or text 988 to speak with someone from the national suicide hotline. Don't try to deal with this on your own, help is available to you TODAY!
Internal despair, silent trials, and extreme low places in our lives can cause us to start thinking...why not end it all? King Saul had an emptiness in His life from walking away from the Lord.
What could have Saul done differently so that his ending wasn't this?:
- taken sin seriously
- place character about reputation
- take advantage of friendships